February 7, 2025

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)

EMC Engineering Services
NERC Updates FERC on IBR Registration Progress
In a filing, NERC told FERC it estimates more than 850 inverter-based resources will need to be registered under new criteria.
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FERC’s Christie Discusses Making Electricity More Affordable at NASEO
FERC Chair Mark Christie gave public remarks to NASEO's conference, laying out some of the major issues the agency will tackle under his leadership.
CenterPoint Energy
LS Power Files Complaint Against MISO over Indiana ROFR
LS Power has lodged a complaint against MISO for treating Indiana’s right of first refusal law as if it’s in effect when it’s under a preliminary injunction.
FERC Approves ISO-NE Capacity Market Collateral Requirements
FERC accepted ISO-NE’s proposal to increase the collateral requirements for generators participating in its capacity market, rejecting the New England Power Generators Association’s arguments that the changes violate the filed rate doctrine.
Citizens Electric Corp.
FERC Sets Missouri Co-op’s Tx Rate for Hearing
FERC ordered hearing and settlement proceedings into a Missouri electric distribution cooperative’s effort to split from the Wabash Valley Power Association and earn rates on its own as a transmission owner in MISO.
FERC, NERC Praise Grid Performance in Cold Snap
FERC and the ERO have launched a review into the electric grid's performance during January's extreme cold weather that brought record low temperatures and snowfall to the Southeastern U.S.
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FERC Accepts NYISO Demand Curve Reset
FERC accepted NYISO's proposed tariff revisions that were submitted as part of the Demand Curve Reset.
FERC Approves Annual Megawatt Cap for MISO Interconnection Queue
FERC has given MISO an all-clear to cap project hopefuls lining up for its overflowing generator interconnection queue at 50% of the RTO’s peak load.
Duke Energy Renewables
FERC Upholds $150K Penalty for Facility Misratings
NERC's monthly spreadsheet notice of penalty listed 22 infringements of facility ratings standards across multiple regions.
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NEPOOL TC Votes Against Compliance Proposal for Interconnection Order
The NEPOOL Transmission Committee declined to support a compliance proposal from New England transmission owners for a recent FERC order preventing them from charging interconnection customers for operations and maintenance fees associated with network upgrades.

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