February 23, 2025
SPP Seams Steering Committee Briefs: Oct. 4, 2017
Stakeholders Discuss 1st Overlapping Congestion Complaint
SPP stakeholders discussed a recent AEP complaint filed at FERC against the RTO and MISO related to overlapping congestion charges for pseudo-ties.

SPP stakeholders last week briefly discussed a recent American Electric Power complaint filed at FERC against the RTO and MISO related to overlapping congestion charges for pseudo-ties.

The Section 206 complaint (EL17-89) alleges that MISO violated its joint operating agreement with SPP by assessing congestion charges to AEP subsidiary Southwestern Electric Power Co. load that is pseudo-tied out of MISO and into SPP.

In its complaint, AEP said the MISO Tariff and Business Practices Manual are unjust and unreasonable in how they assess the congestion charges.

SPP and MISO have negotiated a memorandum of understanding to address the overlapping charges. The RTOs have said the MOU borrows elements from MISO’s coordination efforts with PJM but won’t result in major changes in coordination. (See MISO Interregional Plans with SPP Echo PJM Efforts.)

The overlapping congestion complaint is the first against SPP; stakeholders have filed five similar complaints against MISO and PJM. (See MISO, PJM to Try Again on FERC Pseudo-Tie Filings.)

Staff said Friday it will file a response at FERC but won’t comment until then.

Light M2M Activity Results in $161K in Payments to SPP

In what staff described as a light month for market-to-market activity between SPP and MISO, the latter paid SPP more than $161,000 in August, reversing two months of payments in the opposite direction.

spp congestion charges AEP

Permanent flowgates accounted for most of the congestion, binding for 37 hours and resulting in $148,794 in M2M settlement charges to MISO. Temporary flowgates were binding for 83 hours, 131 hours less than the month before, giving SPP an additional $12,495.

SPP has collected $20.7 million in payments from MISO as of August. The M2M process between the two RTOs began in March 2015.

AEP’s Jacoby Continues as Chair

The committee approved its recommendation for AEP’s Jim Jacoby to serve a full two-year stint as chairman, effective Jan. 1. Jacoby’s term will expire Dec. 31, 2019.

— Tom Kleckner

Other SPP CommitteesSPP/WEISTransmission Operations

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