NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: April 11, 2022
Electric power sector generation by source in NYISO (January 2017 to December 2022)
Electric power sector generation by source in NYISO (January 2017 to December 2022) | EIA
The NYISO BIC approved manual updates required to share Generator Fuel and Emissions Reporting results with all New York transmission operators.

Manual Updates for GFER Results

The NYISO Business Issues Committee on Monday approved revisions to the Transmission and Dispatch Operations Manual regarding updates required to share Generator Fuel and Emissions Reporting (GFER) survey results with all New York transmission operators (TOPs), effective April 29.

“These changes require that all TOPs [including NYISO] have access to the GFER fuel survey results in order to adequately evaluate energy constraints and develop seasonal operating plans,” said John Stevenson, gas and electric technical specialist.

The revisions are a result of NERC Project 2019-06, which, among other changes, updated standards to require TOPs to include in their data specifications provisions for reporting the cold weather information identified by generator operators in their cold weather plans. (See NERC Board OKs Cold Weather Standards.)

March LBMPs Drop with Milder Weather

NYISO locational-based marginal prices averaged $56.78/MWh in March, down from $94.06/MWh the previous month and nearly double the $28.59/MWh average in March 2021, Rana Mukerji, senior vice president for market structures, said in delivering the monthly operations report, attributing the monthly decrease to lower fuel prices and milder weather.

Day-ahead and real-time load-weighted LBMPs came in lower compared to February. Year-to-date monthly energy prices averaged $100.65/MWh, a 116% increase from $46.57/MWh a year ago.

March’s average sendout was 390 GWh/day, down from 429 GWh/day in February and higher than 381 GWh/day a year earlier.

Transco Z6 hub natural gas prices averaged $4.47/MMBtu for the month, down from $6.17/MMBtu in February and up 99.6% year-over-year.

Distillate prices were up 105.2% year-over-year. Jet Kerosene Gulf Coast averaged $25.68/MMBtu, up from $19.79/MMBtu in February. Ultra Low Sulfur No. 2 Diesel NY Harbor averaged $27.02/MMBtu, up from $20.46/MMBtu in February.

March uplift increased to -9 cents/MWh from -$1.77/MWh the previous month, and total uplift costs, including the ISO’s cost of operations, came in higher than those in February.

The ISO’s local reliability share climbed to 27 cents/MWh in March from 4 cents/MWh the previous month, while the statewide share increased to -36 cents/MWh from -$1.77/MWh in February.

Energy MarketNew YorkNYISO Business Issues CommitteeReliability

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