February 23, 2025
NYISO Investigating Storage as Transmission
NYISO has begun the process of studying how energy storage resources can be considered as traditional transmission assets.

NYISO has started the process of considering energy storage resources as transmission assets, according to a presentation given to the Installed Capacity Working Group/Market Issues Working Group on July 11.

The ISO will assess existing procedures to evaluate whether ESRs can be treated as regulated transmission assets and what potential rules would be required to operate storage as transmission.

NYISO already identified several issues to the effort, however, including what size or duration of ESRs should be allowed to participate and how “dual-use” storage — resources that could both participate in the markets and act as transmission — should be treated.

Glenn Haake, vice president at renewable energy operator Invenergy, sought clarification on what NYISO’s deliverable would be for this year.

Katherine Zoellmer, market design specialist at NYISO, responded, “This issue discovery will conclude with a recommendation for moving forward, and that is what would be taken into next year’s project.”

Haake also asked if storage will be included as a standalone solution in future public policy transmission need assessments.

“This is something we are considering and working through at the moment,” Zoellmer answered.

NYISO said it will return in a month or two with more information on how the project will proceed and asked that any additional questions, comments, concerns or recommendations be sent to KZoellmer@nyiso.com.

 — John Norris

Energy StorageOther NYISO CommitteesTransmission Operations

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