October 6, 2024
Former Wisconsin PSC Engineer Marcus Hawkins Joins OMS Staff
Marcus Hawkins, formerly a senior engineer in the Division of Regional Energy Markets at the Wisconsin PSC, has joined the Organization of MISO States as its director of member services and advocacy.

Marcus Hawkins, a senior engineer in the Division of Regional Energy Markets at the Wisconsin Public Service Commission, has joined the Organization of MISO States as its director of member services and advocacy. Hawkins will assist OMS Executive Director Tanya Paslawski.

Marcus Hawkins Joins Organization of MISO States (OMS)
Marcus Hawkins Courtesy of Marcus Hawkins

Hawkins, who has a bachelor’s in nuclear engineering and a master’s in mechanical engineering from the University of Wisconsin at Madison, considers his engineering experience to be an asset in his new role.

“It’s a very interesting position because it isn’t all technical all the time, but it helps to have the technical background,” Hawkins said. “Working at the commission was that same sort of sweet spot between the technical side and the policy side.”

Hawkins said his previous position with the Wisconsin PSC afforded him multiple opportunities to work with OMS. “I hope to enhance representation of the members of OMS both at MISO and FERC, and I’m excited to get started,” he said.

— Amanda Durish Cook

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