October 5, 2024
FERC Clarifies Electronic Quarterly Report Rules
FERC clarified its EQR reporting requirements, emphasizing that transmission providers must report transmission-related data.

FERC last week clarified its Electric Quarterly Report (EQR) reporting requirements, emphasizing that transmission providers must report transmission-related data (RM01-8, et al.).

The order also updates the EQR Data Dictionary, effective with the report for the fourth quarter of 2016, clarifying reporting requirements and fields related to “Increment Name” and “Commencement Date of Contract Terms.” It also makes changes regarding the “Time Zone” field options and deletes fields for reporting e-Tag data.

Future minor or non-material changes to EQR reporting requirements and the Data Dictionary will be posted directly to the commission’s website, and EQR users will be alerted via email of the changes.

– Rich Heidorn Jr.

FERC & FederalPublic Policy

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