October 5, 2024
Municipal Eligibility for RTO Adder Questioned by MISO
MISO and its Transmission Owners sector have raised doubts about the eligibility of some municipal transmission owners that are seeking an RTO adder.

By Chris O’Malley

MISO and its Transmission Owners sector have raised doubts about the eligibility of some municipal transmission owners that are seeking a 50-basis-point RTO adder, asking the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for clarification in separate filings.

Last week, MISO filed a limited protest to a compliance filing it submitted last month on behalf of several municipal TOs who requested an adder as an incentive for RTO membership. FERC had ordered MISO to make it clear that only municipals that have turned over functional control of their transmission to MISO, or provide service over non-transferred transmission facilities with MISO acting as agent, may receive the RTO adder. MISO also said that all of the municipals who are seeking the adder fulfill these requirements.

MISO’s protest seeks to clarify that non-integrated facilities for which a TO receives credits under section 30.9 of the MISO Tariff are not eligible for the RTO adder (ER15-1067).

In its protest, the TO sector asked FERC to reject the compliance filing outright, asserting that MISO had not adequately fulfilled the commission’s requirements in its revisions.

“While the Tariff language submitted in the compliance filing appropriately limits the collection of the RTO adder, the compliance filing appears to state that certain municipals that do not meet these requirements but instead only use Attachment O of the MISO Tariff to calculate their revenue requirements for credits under section 30.9 of the MISO Tariff, are eligible to collect the RTO adder,” the TOs said.

MISO filed on behalf of the Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska, the Central Minnesota Municipal Power Agency, Cedar Falls Utilities and about 15 member cities, boards and agencies.

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