October 5, 2024
MISO to Withdraw FERC Filing on Emergency Costs
MISO has agreed to withdraw a unilateral proposal to amend the MISO-PJM joint operating agreement (JOA) after PJM officials expressed concern that it was overly broad.

The Midcontinent ISO has agreed to withdraw a unilateral petition to amend the MISO-PJM joint operating agreement (JOA) after PJM officials protested.

Stu Bresler, PJM vice president of market operations, told the Markets and Reliability Committee Thursday that PJM and MISO will make a joint filing with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to replace MISO’s June 11 filing in docket ER14-2159.

The filing was intended to ensure that MISO is reimbursed for transmission charges it may incur in providing emergency energy to PJM. It was prompted by the ISO’s dispute with the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) over the use of SPP’s transmission system to deliver power between MISO’s Midwest and South regions.

MISO Footprint (Source: MISO)
MISO Footprint (Source: MISO)

MISO’s filing asked for permission to pass through to PJM additional costs it would incur if MISO exceeds the 1,000-MW contract path limit between the Midwest and South regions to supply emergency energy to PJM.

PJM had informed MISO that it did not believe the filing was necessary because the existing JOA language is broad enough to cover the SPP charges. “However, it is MISO’s customers that are at risk, not PJM’s customers, if that interpretation proves incorrect in a future dispute,” the ISO said in its filing. “Rather than mitigate that risk by simply refusing to supply emergency energy, MISO prefers to eliminate any doubt that such charges can be recovered if an emergency does arise.”

On Jan. 28, SPP proposed a 200% penalty rate for transfers of real-time energy in each direction between the MISO Midwest and South regions that exceed the 1,000-MW limit of the physical tie between Ameren and Entergy Arkansas (ER14-1174).

The commission approved the rate on March 28 subject to refund and directed SPP and MISO to engage in settlement talks. Settlement Judge Carmen Citron reported last week that talks were progressing and should continue.

Bresler told the MRC that MISO’s original filing was overly broad. The joint filing “will be much more specific than what was originally proposed,” he said.

PJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)Transmission Operations

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