September 18, 2024
SPS Removals in PPL, Dominion
The PJM MIC was provided details on the removal of three special protection schemes (SPS) from the PPL and Dominion zones. See the article for details.

Three special protection schemes (SPS) are being removed from the PPL and Dominion zones, the Market Implementation Committee was told Wednesday:

  • Dominion Harmony Village: The SPS was installed in 2007 to prevent overloads on line #65 during the loss of a tower carrying lines #2016 and #85. The SPS is no longer needed as a result of the completion of a new 230 kV line #2122 from Hayes to Yorktown (B0779).
  • Dominion Virginia Beach: The SPS was installed in 2007 to prevent line #27 from overloading due to the loss of two other feeds to Virginia Beach. The SPS is no longer needed due to the completion of a new 230 kV line #2118 from Landstown to Virginia Beach (S0375).
  • PPL West Shore 230 KV Automatic Load Shedding SPS: The SPS was installed in 2010 to alleviate an N-1-1 summer peak overload at the Steelton Tap on the Hummelstown-Middletown Junction #2 230 kV line. The SPS is no longer needed due to the energization of a second Brunner Island–West Shore 230 KV line (B0717).
PJM Market Implementation Committee (MIC)ReliabilityTransmission Operations

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