James Downing
D.C. Correspondent
James Downing has covered electricity for more than 15 years including at Restructuring Today/Power Markets Today and Congressional Quarterly. Before that he had a brief stint at a small daily newspaper in Massachusetts. He grew up in Maine. He is a Red Sox fan, pending the signing of Rafael Devers.

Recent Articles
State Order 1920 Rehearing Requests Seek Bigger Role in Tx Planning
The states that filed for a rehearing of FERC Order 1920 on transmission planning and cost allocation either argue the federal regulator is overstepping its authority or want changes to the order to ensure it doesn’t upset ongoing regional planning efforts.
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Clements Says Order 1920 Will Help States, not Usurp Authority
FERC Commissioner Allison Clements said Order 1920 will make it easier for states to address the changes facing the industry.
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Senate Confirms Chang as Clements’ Replacement on FERC
The Senate confirmed Judy Chang to a five-year term at FERC, meaning the commission will be at a full complement of five members even after Commissioner Allison Clements leaves at the end of June.
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FERC ALJ Lambastes Basin Electric’s Business Practices
A FERC administrative law judge found that Basin Electric Power Cooperative improperly included the costs of a for-profit gasification business in its wholesale electricity rates.
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Rosner, See Clear Senate to Fill out FERC
The U.S. Senate confirmed two of President Joe Biden’s three nominees, David Rosner and Lindsay See, to FERC and is poised to take a final vote on Judy Chang. 
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