NERC & Committees
The North American Electric Reliability Corp., a not-for-profit authority, regulates reliability and security standards for the bulk power system in the continental U.S., Canada, and the northern portion of Baja California, Mexico. NERC is subject to oversight by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and governmental authorities in Canada
NERC’s Standards Committee remains focused on meeting FERC’s deadlines, granting another waiver to authorize shortening the comment and ballot periods for the ERO’s proposed standard on internal network security monitoring.
Attendees at a NERC forum said they are skeptical a gas reliability organization will resolve the challenges exposed by recent winter storms.
The NERC board approved a new reliability standard for extreme cold weather preparedness and operations that industry stakeholders previously rejected.
NERC warned that remaining industry “knowledge gaps” around electric vehicles and their charging systems may make it difficult for grid operators to maintain reliability.
Participants in NERC's Member Representatives Committee said better industry outreach is needed to tackle a host of emerging challenges.
NERC's Board of Trustees will vote on a set of rule changes to allow the registration of inverter-based resources.
The impasse over the ERO’s latest cold weather standard has ended, with EOP-012-2 finally receiving enough votes from industry stakeholders to pass its third formal comment and ballot period.
In a new report, NERC recommended against expanding requirements for internal network security monitoring too quickly.
NERC provided its plan for addressing FERC's directive to address reliability concerns with inverter-based resources.
NERC's Standards Committee welcomed new members to its executive committee, while taking action on several standards projects.
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