The New York State Reliability Council Executive Committee approved for industry review two new proposed reliability rules aimed at revising NYISO’s transmission planning requirements to account for fuel shortages at gas-fired power plants.
NYSRC approved a rule establishing minimum interconnection standards for large inverter-based resources in order to address a 120-GW bottleneck in NYISO's interconnection queue.
After four rounds of voting, the New York State Reliability Council Executive Committee approved a 22% IRM for 2024/25, up from 20% for the previous year.
Responses to NERC's Level 2 alert indicate widespread issues with performance of inverter-based resources.
The New York State Reliability Council OK'd interconnection standards for inverter-based resources larger than 20 MW.
NERC's Winter Reliability Assessment found large portions of the electric grid at risk of energy shortfalls this winter.
FERC Chair Willie Phillips and NERC CEO James Robb wrote in joint comments that they have "serious concerns" about Everett's retirement.
Avangrid's $615,000 penalty stems from violations of NERC's facility ratings standards.
FERC OK'd the 2024 business plans and budgets for the ERO, though Commissioner James Danly called for “a significant improvement in … speed and agility.”
The NYSRC Executive Committee approved the modeling assumptions for its 2024/25 installed reserve margin requirement study base case and discussed potential cap-and-invest updates.
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