September 28, 2024


DOE: Physical Attacks, Sabotage Jumped in 2022
Incidents of deliberate physical damage to bulk power system facilities rose by 77% last year, driving home the danger posed by malicious actors, DOE said.
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Phillips Says Transmission NOPRs Still a Priority
Acting FERC Chairman Willie Phillips made his first comments since taking over the agency.
Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
PUCO Staff Clears AEP on June Load Sheds
Ohio regulators cleared AEP of wrongdoing in its response to storms that led to load sheds in June but said it should manage vegetation more aggressively.
PJM Operating Committee Briefs: Dec. 8, 2022
The OC rejected modifications to its issue charge exploring costs for generators deemed critical to maintaining interconnection reliability operating limits.
DangApricot, CC BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia
FirstEnergy to Pay $700K Penalty to ReliabilityFirst
FERC approved a $700,000 penalty on FirstEnergy as part of a settlement with ReliabilityFirst for violations of facility ratings standards.
Pa. PUC Seeks Suggestions on Cyber Regulation Revisions
Pennsylvania regulators are reviewing the state’s cyber regulations for utilities, seeking to identify if they need to be revised to account for future threats.
FERC Orders Clarification in ERO Budget Filing
The commission ordered the ERO to submit an array of additional information on costs related to the E-ISAC in its 2023 budget.
FERC Approves Penalties in SERC, RF Footprints
Entergy will have to pay SERC $60,000 in penalties for violating NERC reliability standards, according to a Spreadsheet Notice of Penalty for September.
Dragos Chief: Pipedream ‘Ominous,’ But Not Overwhelming
Malware discovered this year with the capacity to disrupt operational technology systems must be taken seriously, the head of cybersecurity firm Dragos said.
Illinois Climate Bill Could Force $2B in Transmission Upgrades, PJM Says
Illinois’ climate goals could cost other states in PJM and MISO tens of millions in transmission upgrades as coal and natural gas power plants are retired.

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