September 28, 2024


DTE Energy
Michigan Lawmakers Call for Stricter Penalties on Utility Outages
Michigan lawmakers proposed new consumer protections against utility blackouts, requiring customer credits that would increase the longer an outage lasts.
ReliabilityFirst Plugs SBOMs as Essential Cyber Tools
Presenters at ReliabilityFirst's monthly technical talk discussed the use of software bills of materials in cybersecurity and updates to the Align project.
NRC Finds Cybersecurity Deficient at Davis-Besse
NRC ruled that the Davis-Besse nuclear plant in northwest Ohio violated cybersecurity rules and ordered owner Energy Harbor to develop new procedures.
ITC Holdings
ITC to Pay $20k for NERC Standards Violations
FERC OK'd a settlement between ReliabilityFirst and ITC Transmission for violations of NERC reliability standards at the Dearborn Industrial Generation site.
AEP to Pay $570K in NERC Penalties
FERC last week approved penalties against utilities in the footprints of ReliabilityFirst, MRO, and WECC for violations of NERC reliability standards.
NRC Preparing to Cite Davis-Besse Nuclear Plant on Safety Issue
NRC is preparing to cite Energy Harbor, the owner of the Davis-Bessie nuclear power plant in Ohio, for failing to maintain its emergency diesel generators.
NERC Identifies 10-Year Challenges from Weather, Resource Mix
Severe weather and rapidly diversifying generation will challenge electric reliability in the next decade, NERC said in its Long-Term Reliability Assessment.
Crowezr, CC BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia
OVEC Hit with $300K in NERC Penalties
FERC approved a $300,000 penalty against the Ohio Valley Electric Corp. for multiple violations of NERC's standards for vegetation management.
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FERC Approves ERO 2022 Budgets
FERC accepted the ERO Enterprise's 2022 Business Plans and Budgets, reflecting planned increases in spending by NERC and the regional entities.
Camerafiend, CC BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia
FERC OKs $265,000 PNM Penalty
FERC approved a $265,000 settlement between WECC and the Public Service Company of New Mexico for violations of NERC's reliability standards.

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