NERC is investigating Chinese ties to the vendor it selected for a high-profile software project, the Western Electricity Coordinating Council learned.
California’s annual wildfire season kicked off with high winds, a heat wave and precautionary power shutoffs by PG&E to thousands of customers.
CAISO's RC West operation has won NERC certification and is on track to begin serving balancing authorities in California and parts of Mexico on July 1.
Most regions will meet their summer peaks but Texas and California are at risk, NERC said in its 2019 Summer Reliability Assessment.
The key players in the Western reliability coordinator transition told WECC they’re on track to take over on a staggered timeline from July to December.
The key players in the Western reliability coordinator transition told WECC that they’re largely on track to take over from Peak Reliability.
CAISO’s RC West has been shadowing Peak Reliability as the ISO prepares to take over reliability coordinator functions by the end of this year.
Southwest Power Pool staff shared a proposed “modification oversight process” with its Western reliability coordination customers.
Speakers at this year’s Western Reliability Summit discussed the growth of solar, the challenges of cybersecurity and the dangers of climate change.
FERC accepted settlements with Duquesne Light Co. and an unnamed municipal utility in the Western Electricity Coordinating Council for violations of NERC reliability standards.
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