February 1, 2025

Regional Entities

NERC Calls for Flexibility in CISA Cyber Reporting Rules
Any new cyber incident reporting requirements for critical infrastructure must be drafted to avoid overlap with existing regulations, the ERO told CISA.
Pa. PUC Seeks Suggestions on Cyber Regulation Revisions
Pennsylvania regulators are reviewing the state’s cyber regulations for utilities, seeking to identify if they need to be revised to account for future threats.
FERC Panelists Talk Cyber, Grid Transformation Challenges
At FERC’s annual reliability technical conference, commissioners focused on work needed to prepare the bulk power system for rapidly developing challenges.
ERO Backs Latest FERC Cyber Incentives Proposal
NERC and the REs expressed support for FERC's proposal to incentivize voluntary cybersecurity investments, while urging it to also build on existing standards.
FERC Orders Clarification in ERO Budget Filing
The commission ordered the ERO to submit an array of additional information on costs related to the E-ISAC in its 2023 budget.
Texas PUC Briefs: Nov. 3, 2022
The Texas PUC has approved staff’s recommendation that ERCOT serve as the footprint’s reliability monitor, formalizing a two-year collaboration.
Risk from Variable Resources Increasing, WECC Says
WECC said the addition 80 GW of wind and solar resources to the Western grid in the next decade will require higher planning reserve margins than anticipated.
FERC Approves Penalties in SERC, RF Footprints
Entergy will have to pay SERC $60,000 in penalties for violating NERC reliability standards, according to a Spreadsheet Notice of Penalty for September.
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National Grid to Pay $512k for Standards Violations
National Grid USA must pay $512,000 in penalties to NPCC for violations of NERC reliability standards, under a settlement approved by FERC.
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FERC Corrects Error on ERCOT Probability Assessment
FERC has corrected an “incorrect statement” by making a small modification to its annual Winter Energy Market and Reliability Assessment issued last week.

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