Regional Entities

SERC Reports Sufficient Resources in Summer Assessment
SERC Reliability's Summer Reliability Assessment indicated all subregions have adequate resources to meet demand this summer.
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Extreme Weather Workshop Hit by Extreme Weather
Severe thunderstorms knocking out power to 1 million Texans did not stop attendees at a NERC-EPRI workshop on a draft standard addressing extreme weather’s effects on transmission planning.
Calif. Officials ‘Cautiously Optimistic’ on Summer Reliability

State energy officials are “cautiously optimistic” about maintaining grid reliability during the upcoming summer, with California poised to benefit from above-normal snowpack and precipitation coupled with the probability of mild conditions in its coastal regions.

Texas RE Sees Challenges in Resource Mix, Physical Security
Texas RE staff said their upcoming risk assessment will identify multiple ongoing challenges to grid reliability.
ERO Pushes IBR Awareness for Policymakers
Representatives from NERC and the regional entities urged state regulators to learn about the reliability challenges and opportunities of inverter-based resources.
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Overheard at the 76th Annual NECPUC Symposium
Angst over looming load growth, cost increases and reliability headaches headlined the 76th annual New England Conference of Public Utilities Commissioners Symposium.
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NERC Says IBR Work Proceeding as Planned
NERC staff said the ERO is preparing for the next phase of its work plan for registering inverter-based resources.
Texas RE
Texas RE: Resources’ Weatherization a Success
The Texas Reliability Entity says its latest regional assessment indicates weatherization activities since the disastrous February 2021 winter storm have paid off.
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PJM General Session Covers Risk Management, Innovation
Panelists during the General Session at PJM’s Annual Meeting focused on the evolving security and climate risks the electric industry faces, as well as the potential for technology and a culture of creativity to provide new solutions. 
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NERC Seeks Comment on Changes to Mediation Procedures
NERC is seeking comments from industry stakeholders on its Rules of Procedure for the ERO’s Compliance and Certification Committee to conduct hearings and mediate disagreements between it and regional entities. 

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