March 12, 2025

ERO Insider

Industry Cool on Revised Winter Weather Standard

The team revising NERC’s cold weather standard has more work ahead after industry respondents put the freeze on their latest proposed revisions with a negative segment-weighted vote of more than 56%.

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Overheard at NARUC Summer Policy Summit 2023
NARUC's annual Summer Policy Summit attracted more than 1,000 attendees for discussions on understanding and preparing for the challenges that lie ahead.
Ramping Shortfall Sparks CAISO’s 1st Summer Emergency
CAISO issued its first energy emergency alert of the summer after falling short on ramping capacity as solar output rolled off its system.  
Sen. Ed Markey via Twitter
Dems Introduce Bill on Transmission Planning, RTO Transparency

Congressional Democrats have reintroduced legislation to require FERC to establish interregional  transmission planning processes and increase RTO transparency.

NERC Committee Takes Action on Standards Projects
NERC’s Standards Committee moved forward on several standards projects, including ones on planning for extreme temperatures and providing information on DERs.
House Energy and Commerce Committee
NERC’s Cancel Details Grid Threats to House Energy Subcommittee
NERC and E-ISAC executive Manny Cancel testified before the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee about cyber and physical threats to the North American power grid.
RF Urges Consultations on Generator Winter Preparations
ReliabilityFirst staff urged utilities to take advantage of the regional entity's voluntary winter preparedness consultations.
NY State Reliability Council Executive Committee Briefs: July 14, 2023
The committee discussed future energy deficiencies in New York City, NYISO's demand curve reset and impacts from extreme weather in the region.
NERC FAC Approves Transfer Study Funding
NERC's Finance and Audit Committee approved a plan to fund the interregional transfer study that Congress ordered in June.
NAESB Wrapping up Gas-electric Harmonization Forum
NAESB is wrapping up a process to develop recommendations to improve coordination between the natural gas and electric industries, which needs to be improved after it contributed to recent cold weather reliability events.

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