March 12, 2025

ERO Insider

California Energy Commission
DOE Awards $207M in Grid Resilience Investments
DOE has announced $324 million in grants to 29 recipients so far this year.
GOP Senators Call for FERC Conferences on EPA Power Plant Rule
Two key Republican senators asked FERC to hold formal technical conferences on EPA's Power Plant Rule, noting the regulator did so for Obama's Clean Power Plan.
FERC Accepts NERC Budget Update
FERC accepted NERC's clarification of several elements of the ERO's 2023 budget.
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FERC Explains Denial of Rehearing on Cold Weather Standard
FERC said petitioners' call to overturn its approval of EOP-012-1 was outside the scope of the proceeding.
Ken Lund,
FERC Approves $1.8M Penalty Against Exelon Utilities
Six Exelon utilities have agreed to pay ReliabilityFirst $1.8 million for violating NERC's reliability standards.
Orchidus, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
North Carolina Businesses Endorse Market Reform Studies
North Carolina businesses called for a study of wholesale market competition, including a possible RTO, citing a lack of “cost-competitive, clean energy.”
Stakeholders Respond to ERO Budget Drafts
Industry stakeholders expressed concern about the ERO's rising budgets and assessments in comments last week.
White House Sets 2025 Cybersecurity Priorities
The White House designated its cybersecurity priorities for fiscal 2025 in a memo Tuesday.
New York state Department of Public Service
Electric Reliability and Safety Continue to Improve in NY
Frequency and duration of power outages decreased in New York in 2022 outside of major storms, but one utility missed its target for the fourth year in a row.
NERC Finds Grid Generally Reliable and Resilient
NERC found that the bulk power system was generally reliable and resilient in 2022, but forced outages among coal and natural gas plants hit their highest level in the decade.

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