March 10, 2025

ERO Insider

Babcock Ranch
Members Press NERC to Expand Comments on IBR Standards
NERC’s Standards Committee advanced a slate of standards development projects after moving to address concerns over stakeholders' ability to provide feedback.
ERO Praises ERCOT’s Actions to Address Inverter Incidents
NERC and the Texas RE commended ERCOT for its response to the Odessa disturbances of 2021 and 2022, while calling for more action to overcome inverter issues.
FERC Orders Internal Cyber Monitoring in Response to SolarWinds Hack
FERC ordered NERC to require utilities to implement internal network security monitoring on certain cyber systems at bulk power system facilities.
SERC Forum Touts Internal Communication in Enforcement
Changes to SERC's compliance monitoring and enforcement process helped build a stronger connection within the RE, said speakers at a webinar on Tuesday.
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Phillips Says Transmission NOPRs Still a Priority
Acting FERC Chairman Willie Phillips made his first comments since taking over the agency.
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NV Energy Blames ‘Heavy Wet Snow’ for New Year’s Outages
NV Energy told Nevada regulators that “extreme weather” and wet snow caused outages that cut power to nearly 124,000 customers at the start of the year.
NERC Standards Process Changes Headed for Public Comment
NERC’s Standards Committee unanimously agreed to submit for industry comment a proposal to update the organization’s Rules of Procedure.
Georgia Power
Vogtle 3 Activation Delayed Again for Safety Concerns
Southern Co. said that Unit 3 at Vogtle nuclear plant in Ga. suffered yet another delay and is not expected to come online until at least the second quarter.
Suspect in Vegas Solar Array Damage: Act was Protest Against Old Tech
The man arrested last week in Las Vegas for damaging a major solar facility told police he had “no regret” over the incident.
ERO Submits E-ISAC Outreach Clarifications to FERC
NERC submitted a compliance filing that seeks to reassure FERC about the fairness of the E-ISAC's industry outreach efforts.

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