ERO Insider
NERC’s board is pondering big changes to its calendar, with one of four annual open meetings possibly moving to a hybrid format and another moving fully online.
The commission ordered the ERO to submit an array of additional information on costs related to the E-ISAC in its 2023 budget.
The Texas PUC has approved staff’s recommendation that ERCOT serve as the footprint’s reliability monitor, formalizing a two-year collaboration.
In a new report, NERC said that the bulk power system is in the middle of a major transformation because of the spread of distributed energy resources.
WECC said the addition 80 GW of wind and solar resources to the Western grid in the next decade will require higher planning reserve margins than anticipated.
Entergy will have to pay SERC $60,000 in penalties for violating NERC reliability standards, according to a Spreadsheet Notice of Penalty for September.
Jim.henderson, CC0 1.0 Universal via Wikimedia Commons
National Grid USA must pay $512,000 in penalties to NPCC for violations of NERC reliability standards, under a settlement approved by FERC.
The Electricity Subsector Coordinating Council is discussing how the industry can deploy newfound federal funding to accelerate the energy transition.
Matthew T. Rader, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The ERO Enterprise’s work preparing for extreme winter weather is far from over despite completion of the initial effort to update reliability standards.
FERC has corrected an “incorrect statement” by making a small modification to its annual Winter Energy Market and Reliability Assessment issued last week.
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