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Entergy Proposes $1.2B in New Orleans Resilience Investments
Entergy New Orleans submitted a filing to the New Orleans City Council detailing its plans to harden electrical infrastructure ahead of future severe weather.
Farragutful, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
MidAmerican to Pay $82k Penalty to MRO Over Facility Ratings
FERC approved NERC's June spreadsheet notice of penalty, including settlements over reliability standard violations submitted by SERC and MRO.
Vegetation Eyed in AEP Ohio Outages Following Storms
AEP Ohio told PJM vegetation was a likely cause of the transmission failures that left more than 240,000 customers without power after storms in June.
MRO Warns Energy Emergencies Likely in Summer
The Midwest Reliability Organization's summer assessment revealed significant risks in three of its four subregions, potentially leading to energy emergencies.
Utilities See Challenges, Opportunities in Supply Chain Issues
Participants in a U.S. Energy Association webinar said electric industry stakeholders must work together to address supply chain issues.
Dragos Pushes Communication Skills for Cyber Professionals
Representatives from cybersecurity firm Dragos said that communicating the importance of OT security investments to company boards is a major challenge.
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SERC Board of Directors Briefs: June 23, 2022
SERC's Board of Directors approved the organization's 2023 business plan and budget, along with hearing updates on the region's summer outlook.
SEEM’s Sellers Pushes Reliability, Continuity to SERC Board
A representative of the new Southeast Energy Exchange Market assured SERC on Thursday that its reliability role will not change under the new market.
SERC: Ransomware Threats Continuing to Evolve
A cybersecurity expert said electric utilities may face a growing threat of ransomware attacks amid the ongoing Russo-Ukraine conflict.
Cybersecurity, ‘Extreme’ Events Lead List of WECC Risk Priorities
Cybersecurity and extreme weather top the list of risks WECC plans to focus on over the next two years, along with RA and the impact of new technologies.

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