ERO Insider
Finance officers across the ERO Enterprise said that inflation and cybersecurity investments will be major drivers of budget increases in 2023.
New England is not facing the same warnings as other regions this summer, but severe heat could still force ISO-NE into emergency actions, the RTO said.
Climate change will have a mixed impact on hydropower in the Pacific Northwest, with wetter winters and springs and drier summers, BPA says.
Matthew T. Rader, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC approved Texas RE's settlement with AEP over communication failures during a 2018 load loss incident.
NERC’s draft 2023 budget shows expenses are set to rise by more than 13%, fueled by increasing headcount, a return to in-person and rising operating expenses.
PNM exhausted every alternative before postponing the retirement of the coal-fired San Juan plant until the end of this summer, a utility executive said.
Matthew T. Rader, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The team developing NERC's cold weather standards provided a preview of the new requirements in an industry webinar.
At the Texas RE Board of Directors meeting,
former ERCOT CEO Bob Kahn called for lawmakers to focus on reliability as they work on changes to the markets.
MRO’s annual reliability conference emphasized the inevitability of the transition to clean energy and avoiding future supply shortfalls with more generation.
FERC raised concerns that several proposed changes to NERC's Rules of Procedure may negatively impact on the ERO's compliance enforcement programs.
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