September 28, 2024


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NERC Board of Trustees/MRC Briefs: Feb. 15-16, 2023
NERC Board Chair Ken DeFontes congratulated the organization's top bodies for “a very productive week” of in-person meetings in Arizona.
Federal and State Regulators Look into How to Improve Grid Security
The sixth meeting of the Joint Federal State Task Force on Transmission focused on securing the grid against physical attacks.
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FERC and NERC Leaders Brief NARUC on Grid Security
NERC's Manny Cancel and FERC's Joseph McClelland discussed the state of grid security at NARUC on Sunday.
RF Panelists: Executive Buy-in Key to CIP Success
The electric industry still is not taking its critical infrastructure protection (CIP) programs as seriously as they should, panelists told ReliabilityFirst.
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NERC Pushes Alternate IBR Standards Timeline in Response to NOPR
NERC and the regional entities called FERC’s proposal for new reliability standards focused on inverter-based resources “complementary" to ERO Enterprise work.
Duke to Pay $75K in NERC Penalties
FERC has decided to let stand SERC Reliability’s $75,000 penalty against Duke Energy Florida for violating NERC reliability standards.
Lluck002, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
SERC Hits Virginia Electric with $320K in Penalties
SERC Reliability levied penalties against Dominion Energy subsidiary Virginia Electric and Power for violations of NERC reliability standards.
Babcock Ranch
Members Press NERC to Expand Comments on IBR Standards
NERC’s Standards Committee advanced a slate of standards development projects after moving to address concerns over stakeholders' ability to provide feedback.
FERC Orders Internal Cyber Monitoring in Response to SolarWinds Hack
FERC ordered NERC to require utilities to implement internal network security monitoring on certain cyber systems at bulk power system facilities.
ERO Submits E-ISAC Outreach Clarifications to FERC
NERC submitted a compliance filing that seeks to reassure FERC about the fairness of the E-ISAC's industry outreach efforts.

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