FERC approved a settlement between SERC Reliability and Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. for violations of NERC reliability standards.
NERC is set to begin training entities on its new Align tool and Secure Evidence Locker by the end of the year, with MRO and Texas RE going first.
Cyber hygiene and poor-quality modeling continue to head the list of major risks to the stability of the bulk power system.
FERC gave WECC the go-ahead to introduce a new version of its reliability standard regarding contingency reserves.
In its latest round of CIP audits, FERC noted several “potential compliance infractions” and other areas for improvement.
FERC rejected a challenge by security activist Michael Mabee against NERC’s Critical Infrastructure Protection reliability standards.
FERC approved a settlement between WECC and an unnamed entity in the Western Interconnection for violations of NERC’s CIP reliability standards.
NERC’s Standards Committee voted to accept the standard authorization request presented by the drafting team for Project 2019-06.
FERC and NERC will no longer publicly post information about violations of the ERO’s Critical Infrastructure Protection standards.
The team working on revising two NERC reliability standards on cybersecurity is reviewing the latest round of comments
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