FERC expanded NERC’s cyber incident reporting requirements, closing what it said was a gap in the CIP reliability standards.
NERC called for developing metrics on resilience and urged continued efforts to respond to increased cyber threats and growth in asynchronous generation.
A panel at the Edison Electric Institute conference discussed the need to separate fact from fiction on electromagnetic pulses.
President Trump’s executive order calling for actions to protect the grid from EMPs has “troublesome” timing requirements.
NERC’s task force on electromagnetic pulses will hold its first face-to-face meeting at the ERO's offices in D.C. on June 12.
CAISO's RC West operation has won NERC certification and is on track to begin serving balancing authorities in California and parts of Mexico on July 1.
Most regions will meet their summer peaks but Texas and California are at risk, NERC said in its 2019 Summer Reliability Assessment.
A NERC panel is considering a proposal to limit reporting on SOL exceedances because it believes excessive requirements are a reliability threat.
NERC and the regional entities are proposing almost $207 million in spending in 2020, a 3.8% increase, while assessments are projected to increase by 2.9%.
ISO-NE is on its way to complying with NERC’s revised geomagnetic disturbance standard, the RTO told the NEPOOL Reliability Committee.
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