Building Decarbonization
The California Energy Commission approved a major update to the state's building code, establishing new requirements for houses and business buildings.
The Shelburne Museum in Vermont sees the installation of two solar arrays on its property as a learning opportunity for visitors about sustainability.
Neothermal will work with Burlington Electric and Vermont Gas on an electric thermal storage heating pilot that uses renewable natural gas as a backup.
Reducing power plant carbon emissions may ultimately be in the hands of electric utility customers with the technology to automatically reduce their usage.
NYSERDA says New York needs to move away from a building-by-building heat pump installation approach to a community approach, where practical.
Daniel Case, CC BY-3.0, via Wikimedia
A Connecticut Green Bank webinar hears from people working on the frontlines of environmental justice in the state.
A coalition of 30 organizations asked Michigan officials to ban natural gas in new construction, calling it “a critical measure to reduce air pollution.”
The Vermont Climate Council heard recommendations on how to reduce emissions for the electricity, thermal and transportation sectors.
Groups say Murphy talks aggressively on climate change but is moving too slowly to cut GHG, while the DEP continues to approve natural gas projects.
Maryland is looking at challenges of different pathways to building decarbonization, while Montgomery County explores solutions in energy performance standards.
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