March 10, 2025

Equity & Economics

United Nations
UN Climate Conference Presidency Preps Guide on Just Financing
The Sharm El-Sheikh Guidebook for Just Financing will map out the role of different stakeholders in global climate financing.
Department of Energy and Environmental Affairs
Mass. Sets New 2025, 2030 Emissions Goals
Mass. Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs Bethany Card adopted state emissions limits of 33% below 1990 levels of emissions by 2025 and 50% by 2030.
Connecticut Environmental Regulator Launches EJ Advisory Council
Connecticut’s new Equity and Environmental Justice Advisory Council will advise the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection on EJ issues.
Cumulative Impacts Analysis a Top Regulatory Priority for CLF, Rep Says
NECA invited energy experts to share stakeholders’ and developers’ perspectives on the challenges of achieving climate targets and building infrastructure.
AGs Support SEC Push for Company Climate Risk Assessments
Attorneys general from 19 states and D.C. voiced support for a plan to require companies to include climate change risk assessments in their SEC reports.
California PUC Gets Feedback on Net Metering Alternatives
Thirty parties submitted comments to the California PUC on a controversial rooftop solar net-metering decision that the commission is revisiting.
United Nations
Status of Corporate Net-zero Pledges is ‘Bleak,’ Researcher Says
The team behind the Net Zero Tracker has released its first global stocktake since completing a baseline quantitative analysis last year.
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Conn. Climate Council Gears Up for New Work Session
The Connecticut Governor’s Council on Climate Change will convene working group meetings to discuss progress on mitigation and adaptation and resilience.
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
NJ DEP Enacts Tougher Reporting Requirements for GHG Emissions
New Jersey’s DEP officially adopted new rules requiring more rigorous monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions in certain situations.
PNNL: Communities Should Take Bigger Role in Coal Plant Closures
A report by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory says that communities facing coal plant closures need to do a better job of preparing for the loss.

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