September 28, 2024

Equity & Economics

New York 2023: Growing Pains for the Energy Transition
The 2023 New York Energy Summit focused on the financial, regulatory and technology landscape in the state as it presses forward with its energy transition.
IRA Tax Credits Draw Clean Energy Projects to Coal Communities
Millions in new funding and bonus tax credits are heading to new clean energy projects in communities impacted by the closure of fossil fuel-based industries.
Walter Siegmund, CC BY-2.5, via Wikimedia
Wash. Bill Would Provide Cap-and-Trade Relief to Farmers
Two state senators introduced a bill to provide farmers and haulers of agricultural products relief from costs arising from the state's cap-and-trade program.
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Transparent, Traceable Supply Chains Key to EV Domestic Content Rules
The transparency and traceability of critical minerals and battery components will be essential for automakers as they work to meet domestic content provisions.
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Will Income-tiered Fixed Costs Help California Decarbonize?
Panelists at the RE+ Northern California conference discussed utility rate design to lessen the impact of decarbonization and wildfire mitigation on ratepayers.
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US Offshore Wind Industry Set to Take Off
With major projects being completed this year, OSW is poised to become a major source of electricity and good jobs, panelists at a BNOW conference said.
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FERC Gets Advice, Criticism on Environmental Justice
FERC received passionate testimony from panelists at its roundtable on incorporating environmental justice and equity into its infrastructure permitting.
New York DEC
NY Climate Justice Panel Sets Disadvantaged Community Criteria
More than one third of New York's census tracts will be designated as DACs, prioritizing them for resources as the state advances its clean energy transition.
DOT Opens New Round of IIJA Funding for EV Chargers
The U.S. Department of Transportation announced a new round of funding aimed at putting EV chargers “particularly in underserved and disadvantaged communities.”
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Overheard at CERAWeek 2023
The energy transition and the march of technology were key highlights of CERAWeek by S&P Global, which attracted a record 7,200 attendees.

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