Fossil Fuels
Nikki Bruno with Eversource says it's important for states to ensure regulations support natural gas alternatives, such as geothermal energy.
Building decarbonization must focus on alternatives to the use of fossil fuels such as natural gas for cooking and heating.
SCALEUP aims to spur development of domestic supply chains for clean energy technologies, a key element of Biden’s climate agenda.
Even as the electricity sector decarbonizes and appliance efficiency improves, reducing GHG emissions from buildings will prove increasingly difficult.
BP CEO Bernard Looney outlined the company's "net zero" pledge, which critics have questioned, at Columbia University's Global Energy Summit.
Recent orders show how Hawaii PUC’s frustration with Hawaiian Electric's halting progress on clean energy is accompanied by an increasingly weak hand.
Successful development of low-carbon fuels could avoid stranding natural gas customers and infrastructure, a Con Ed official told the EBA.
Algonquin Gas filed a petition with the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals for review of FERC's order to establish a briefing on the Weymouth Compressor.
The Pennsylvania DEP published a rulemaking requiring fossil fuel generators to obtain emission allowances under the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.
The Duke Energy Accountability Coalition has called for shareholders to vote CEO Lynn Good off the company’s board of directors during its annual meeting.
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