March 11, 2025

Generation & Fuels

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NJ Senate Energy Committee Backs PJM Interconnection ‘Skip’ for Solar
New Jersey’s Senate Environment and Energy Committee passed a bill supporters said would allow grid-scale solar projects of up to 20 MW to bypass PJM’s interconnection queue and connect to the grid through their local utility.
Sunrise Wind
Sunrise Wind Cleared to Begin Construction
Sunrise Wind has received final federal approval of its construction and operations plan and expects to begin seabed preparations off the New England coast this year.
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Offshore Wind Leaders Project Confidence amid Election Year Uncertainty
Offshore wind executives and government officials expressed tentative optimism at an offshore wind conference about the industry’s rebound from last year’s spate of contract cancellations.
NY Sets Strategy to Reach 6 GW of Energy Storage
The New York PSC approved a roadmap to reach the state's goal of 6 GW of energy storage by 2030.
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy
DOE Announces $900M to Kick-start Small Modular Nuclear Pipeline
The new federal funding is aimed at building market confidence that the U.S. nuclear industry will be able to incorporate the lessons learned at Vogtle to deliver a new round of safer, more efficient SMRs on time and on budget.
NY Opens Land-based Renewable Energy Solicitation
New York has launched its eighth large-scale renewable energy solicitation, seeking proposals for land-based projects to help the state meet its emission-reduction goals.
Sabin Center for Climate Change Law
Renewable Development Faces Regulatory Tangle
Two new reports examine the profusion of local and state regulations affecting renewable energy development.
NJ Electrification Bill Stirs Opposition
A bill that would require New Jersey utilities to offer building electrification incentive programs sparked more than two hours of heated debate.
CS WIND Offshore
Decade of Strong Growth Forecast in Offshore Wind Sector
A GWEC report indicates 75.2 GW of capacity had been installed worldwide by the end of 2023 and predicts 410 GW of additional capacity will be installed in the next 10 years.
California Energy Commission
Calif. Clean Transportation Program Needs Equity Emphasis
California must find ways to allocate more of its funding for ZEV infrastructure to disadvantaged communities, according to an advisory committee for the Energy Commission's Clean Transportation Program Investment Plan.

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