Renewable Power
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NV Energy wants to convert its last coal-fired power plant to a gas-fueled facility, as the utility continues to be plagued with cancellations and delays of planned solar projects.
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer proposed that state regulators approve sites for solar and wind energy, a move that would take authority from local governments.
Democratic lawmakers and environmentalists are hoping for swift approval of legislation to give Michigan residents better access to rooftop and community solar.
SouthCoast Wind is on the verge of falling out of the development pipeline, having reached agreements to buy its way out of too-low power purchase agreements.
The lead agency in New York’s clean energy transition has come out in favor of inflation adjustments for renewable projects under contract but not yet under construction.
The Tennessee Valley Authority doesn’t appear ready to fast-track its decarbonization plans despite receiving a letter this month from 10 members of Congress urging it to chart a path to 100% clean energy by 2035.
The first offshore wind lease auction in the Gulf of Mexico drew minimal interest and extremely low bids.
Many residents believe they do not have a voice in the fate of a controversial proposed wind turbine farm south of the Washington city of Kennewick.
The American Clean Power Association filed a petition at FERC asking the commission to take a universal look at capacity accreditation of different generation technologies.
The Massachusetts DPU has approved cancellation of Commonwealth Wind's PPAs and approved terms of the state's fourth wind power solicitation.
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