Solar Power
Increasing electricity prices must be met with a greater effort to reduce peak loads and protect low- and moderate-income ratepayers, several Northeast utility regulators said at Raab Associates’ New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable.
Hybrid power plants, especially projects combining solar and storage, represent a growing amount of new generation online and in interconnection queues across the U.S., signaling a shift in how renewable power can be integrated into electric power markets, according to a new report from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
FERC will work with federally recognized tribes on whether it needs to issue a new rulemaking to address the issues they have interconnecting renewable resources to the grid.
Clean energy developers set a record for the second quarter with 11 GW of installations – up 91% from the same three months last year.
The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities approved grid modernization plans from electric distribution companies to handle increasing electrification and the deployment of distributed resources.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has released the latest iteration of its “Tracking the Sun” report, which looks into the 3.7 million distributed solar systems installed through the end of 2023.
The U.S. Bureau of Land Management has released proposed guidelines for solar energy development on more than 31 million acres of public land in 11 Western states.
President Biden has more than doubled the Section 201 tariff rate quota for imported solar cells, from 5 GW to 12.5 GW per year.
DOE announced its second round of grants for the GRIP program, with $2.2 billion going to eight projects that could expand grid capacity, reliability and flexibility across 18 states.
Data center agreements with Google totaling 860 MW brought the NextEra Energy Resources backlog to 22.6 GW, even as it placed more than 1.6 GW into service in the second quarter.
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