Utility scale solar

Corporate Solar Development Continues to Grow
In its latest “Solar Means Business” report, the Solar Energy Industries Association reports nearly 40 GW of on-site and off-site corporate capacity installed by March 2024.
New York Power Authority
NYPA Urged to Do More in New Renewables Role
Clean energy advocates want NYPA to shoot for 15 GW of renewables rather than the 3.5 GW target in its draft plan.
NextEra Energy
NextEra Adds Renewables, Eyes Nuclear Restart
NextEra Energy reported deals for 3 GW of new renewables with its third quarter financials and said it has reached a framework agreement totaling 10.5 GW with two major corporations. 
Intersect Power
2 Huge Solar-plus-storage Projects Planned in California
Intersect Power is seeking approval for two 1.15-GW solar-plus-storage projects in California using a streamlined permitting process.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
US Utility-scale Solar Buildout Set Record in 2023
A total of 18.5 GWAC of large-scale solar was brought online last year, bringing total installed capacity to 80.2 GWAC in 47 states.
Maryland: The State Where ‘Transmission Has Come to Die’
Debating the impact of FERC's Rule 1920, Abe Silverman of Johns Hopkins told states to "codify, codify, codify" their energy policy goals and policies to ensure PJM has to take them into account in compliance.
The Brattle Group
Brattle Paper Weighs Pros and Cons of Utility-owned Generation in NY
Allowing utilities to own generation again in New York state could speed up their deployment, according to a Brattle Group white paper prepared for Consolidated Edison.
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Northeast Utility Commissioners Talk Costs of Grid Modernization
Increasing electricity prices must be met with a greater effort to reduce peak loads and protect low- and moderate-income ratepayers, several Northeast utility regulators said at Raab Associates’ New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable.
Goldman-Sachs Renewables
Berkeley Lab: Solar-storage Hybrids Reshaping the Grid
Hybrid power plants, especially projects combining solar and storage, represent a growing amount of new generation online and in interconnection queues across the U.S., signaling a shift in how renewable power can be integrated into electric power markets, according to a new report from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
American Clean Power Association
FERC to Consider Special Interconnection Rules for Tribal Energy Projects
FERC will work with federally recognized tribes on whether it needs to issue a new rulemaking to address the issues they have interconnecting renewable resources to the grid. 

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