September 30, 2024


Global Energy Transition Needs Speed, Worker Safeguards
Speed and fairness must be watchwords of the global energy transition, said experts gathered in advance of the UN Climate Change Conference.
DOE Urges Stakeholders to Rethink Value of Storage
The DOE is encouraging long-duration energy storage owners, those who purchase their services and state governments to rethink how those assets are valued.
Some Sacrifice Needed on Road to Net-Zero, Nexamp Says
Communities and companies must find creative compromise in siting and developing clean energy at scale, Nexamp's Kelly Friend told NECA.
NH Bill Seeks All-ZEV State Fleet by 2042
New Hampshire legislators are considering a bill that would require the state’s vehicle fleet to be emissions-free by 2042.
New London, OSW Devs Agree to Deal on Staging Area
Eversource and Ørsted signed a long-term agreement with the city of New London, Conn., to redevelop State Pier as an offshore wind turbine staging area.
‘Big Moment’ for Climate Change as Policies Align
Katherine Hamilton discussed the potential for impactful climate change legislation during a webinar held by the Connecticut Green Bank.
Lidar Project to Unearth Nev. Geothermal, Lithium Potential
Federal agencies are mapping the surface and subsurface of western Nevada to reveal sites with potential for geothermal energy or lithium.
WoodMac: Utility IRPs Driving Record Growth in Storage
Wood Mackenzie’s Dan Finn-Foley discussed the surge in storage resources during a webinar by the Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership.
Report: US Needs Grid-enhancing Technologies Now
A new report from the WATT Coalition argues that available grid-enhancing technologies could unlock gigawatts of renewables in interconnection queues.
Blueprint Frames Carbon Capture as Critical for Climate
The Carbon Capture Coalition is pushing Congress to provide a direct-pay option for the 45Q tax credit and extend the deadline for qualifying.

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