Transmission & Distribution

Residents Voice Opposition to Upstate NY Wind Project Before PSC
Residents opposed to the Heritage Wind project spoke before the New York Public Service Commission, citing human health concerns and danger to migratory birds.
Report: US Energy Sector Lags on Cyber Preparedness, Response
The clean energy transition in the U.S. is creating a grid that is increasingly distributed and increasingly digital, making it vulnerable to cyberattacks.
NYPSC Approves EV Charging Incentives, Climate-related Tx Projects
The New York PSC approved EV charging programs for the state’s utilities and $700 million for National Grid for transmission upgrade projects.
Stakeholders Question Feasibility, Costs of Con Ed OSW Substation
Stakeholders urged regulators to defer approval, outright reject or refer to NYISO’s public policy tx planning process Con Ed’s proposal for a new substation.
NJ BPU to Probe 2nd Ocean Wind Delay Case
The New Jersey BPU agreed to hear Ørsted's petition seeking to override county officials who it says have not responded to efforts to secure local approvals.
Department of Energy and Environmental Affairs
Mass. Sets New 2025, 2030 Emissions Goals
Mass. Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs Bethany Card adopted state emissions limits of 33% below 1990 levels of emissions by 2025 and 50% by 2030.
Solar Landscape
NJ Solar Sector Calls for Speedy Grid Modernization Plan
Solar developers embraced a new report by the NJ BPU on how to modernize the state’s power grid to handle the expected rise in energy from wind and solar.
CS Energy
DOE Launches $500M Project to Put Clean Energy on Mine Lands
The Department of Energy plans to use $500 million from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to put clean energy on former mine lands across the country.
NJBPU / Ørsted
NJ City Calls for Delay to Ocean Wind 1
Ocean City said the NJ BPU should delay the state's first OSW project while a hearing & environmental studies of the project's transmission route are conducted.
Cumulative Impacts Analysis a Top Regulatory Priority for CLF, Rep Says
NECA invited energy experts to share stakeholders’ and developers’ perspectives on the challenges of achieving climate targets and building infrastructure.

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