March 12, 2025

Transmission & Distribution

Duke Energy Seeks Flexibility in Long-duration Storage
Duke Energy told the Energy Storage Association’s annual conference that it will need new storage technologies to meet its goal of net-zero emissions by 2050.
Storage will Grow in the Midwest Without Mandates, Expert Says
While Midwest states do not have energy storage targets or mandates, the storage market will grow there through integrated resource planning.
Energy Storage Hopes for ‘Christmas Present’ from Congress
Renewable and storage organization leaders at the Energy Storage Association’s annual conference were upbeat about Biden’s pledge to reduce emissions.
NYPSC Considers Champlain Hudson Transmission Capacity Upgrade
The NYPSC heard comments Wednesday on increasing by 25% the transmission capacity on the proposed CHPE line from Quebec to New York City.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Hybrid Storage Interconnection is a Puzzle, Industry Says
Developers of hybridized generation and storage are finding the lack of standardized interconnection rules across regions to be a challenge.
Pennsylvania DEP Pushes for Solar Plus Storage
A new report released by the Pennsylvania DEP encourages the state to significantly increase its energy storage capacity and pair it with solar energy.
VT Regulators Revisit Net-metering, Interconnection Rules
The Vermont Public Utility Commission is seeking input again in proceedings it opened in 2019 to consider draft net-metering and interconnection rules.
Co-ops Want Level Playing Field for Clean Energy Incentives
The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association is lobbying Washington for direct-pay clean energy incentives and debt relief.
NC Bill Would Provide Funds for Climate Resilience
Three Democratic North Carolina senators introduced SB509, which aims to pour $4 million into community microgrids and other local resilience projects.
Big Question Looms over Oahu Energy Storage Facility
HECO says a proposed massive energy storage facility on Oahu will help fill the capacity gap left by the closure of a 180-MW AES coal-fired plant.

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