Conference coverage
Participants at the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners’ Winter Policy Summit emphasized the need for additional investment in the grid.
While the majority of IRA tax credits and incentives have gone to develop clean energy projects in Republican districts and states, House leadership leans heavily toward fossil fuel-producing states,
One of the major topics at NARUC's Winter Policy Summit was demand growth driven by data centers, which brings plenty of uncertainty with it.
The U.S. electric power industry faces unprecedented challenges from the size, pace and impacts of demand growth and should look to new approaches for possible solutions, according to speakers at NASEO’s Energy Policy Outlook Conference.
Hrkman got a respectful, if not enthusiastic reception from state energy officials at the NASEO conference, many of whom are waiting to see if they will receive the billions in IRA and IIJA dollars they were awarded for a range of clean projects.
Participants at the United States Energy Association’s 2025 State of the Energy Industry Forum discussed topics such as demand growth, nuclear fusion and energy efficiency.
The Energy Association's 21st Annual State of the Energy Industry Forum reflected the quickly shifting landscape of national energy policy and the resulting shift in industry priorities and narratives.
The data center dilemma centers first on a familiar mismatch of timescales. Utilities and their regulators tend to plan based on the small, incremental demand growth. But development and the power demand it generates move at ever-increasing digital speed.
Answering the question isn’t easy, according to CAISO staff and other electric industry experts, who say that while batteries are having a notable impact, several factors complicate the narrative that they’re displacing gas on the grid.
While 2024 brought notable success on state-level climate policy in Massachusetts, 2025 brings significant uncertainty regarding whether the change in federal administration will slow the momentum of the clean energy transition in the region.
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