State and Local Policy

EPA Gives W.Va. Primacy for Permitting CCS Injection Wells
West Virginia is the fourth state to be granted primacy for permitting Class VI wells.
NY PSC OKs Partial Implementation Plan on Energy Storage
New York’s Public Service Commission has approved an implementation plan to push for installation of 200 MW of residential energy storage and 1,500 MW of retail storage.
National Grid
Mass. DPU Proposes Major Shift in Gas Line Extension Policies
The Massachusetts DPU has proposed requiring customers who request new gas service to cover the full cost of any needed line extensions, which effectively would end utilities’ practice of spreading the costs across their rate base.
Barton Malow
DTE Energy Ups 5-Year Plan to $30B
DTE Energy’s five-year capital expenditure plan now calls for $30 billion in investment, up $5 billion.
Eversource Energy
Eversource to Boost Grid Investments by $1.9B After Exiting Wind, Water
Eversource Energy executives announced during the company’s year-end earnings call its plan to increase investments in its “core electric and natural gas operations” by $1.9 billion in 2025-2028.
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NASEO Panel Explores Coordinated Planning to Meet Demand Growth
The U.S. electric power industry faces unprecedented challenges from the size, pace and impacts of demand growth and should look to new approaches for possible solutions, according to speakers at NASEO’s Energy Policy Outlook Conference.
Intersect Power
Report Assesses Climate Activism of Pension Funds, Finds Most Lacking
An environmental report found that most pension funds, key investors in infrastructure in the power industry, lacked any real policies to protect their investments from the effects of climate change.
Puget Sound Energy Partners with Tech Co. to Promote Hydrogen
Puget Sound Energy and Modern Hydrogen have launched an initiative aimed at expanding hydrogen technology among large gas customers to meet decarbonization goals.
Georgia Power
Georgia Power Proposes Nuclear Uprate, Delay in Fossil Retirement
Georgia’s largest electric utility said the moves are driven by 8.2 GW of anticipated load growth through the end of 2030
Dominion Energy
PJM Network Upgrades Boost Cost of Dominion OSW Project 9%
Dominion Energy reported that its Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project will cost 9% more than initially expected, thanks to higher-than-expected PJM network upgrade costs.

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