EVs and data centers are expected to be major contributors to load growth, but each has unique challenges when it comes to load forecasting, speakers said during a WECC webinar.
Arizona Public Service has filed a 15-year resource plan that lays out a strategy for meeting increasing demand and replacing capacity lost from its coal plant exit.
CAISO and its stakeholders are still in the early stages of grappling with how to redesign the ISO’s resource adequacy program to account for rapidly changing conditions on the grid.
FERC approved a raft of CAISO tariff changes intended to ease temporary restrictions on wheeling power through the ISO’s grid under emergency conditions.
CAISO’s curtailment of solar and wind power is on the rise, and about three-quarters of curtailments so far this year have been from transmission congestion.
CAISO stakeholders have voiced various concerns about an ISO straw proposal to revamp its interconnection process, with some cautioning about an overly rapid timeline.
The results from a WMEG study indicate that many entities outside California would see more benefits from a two-market outcome while the Golden State has the most to lose from such a split.
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