California Agencies & Legislature
California Air Resources Board (CARB)California Energy Commission (CEC)California LegislatureCalifornia Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)
PG&E's proposal to place most of its generation fleet into a new company and to sell nearly half the firm to investors is taking flak at FERC and the CPUC.
CAISO released a draft report on Western regionalization that is intended to revive talks on the ISO becoming a multistate RTO and bolster legislation.
A half dozen new climate and energy laws took effect in California on Jan. 1.
California agency to approve new emission rules on heavy-duty vehicles, refine LCFS and consider establishing a permanent environmental justice committee.
The California Air Resources Board approved a climate change scoping plan that charts a course for the state to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045.
The California Energy Commission approved $2.9 billion in clean-transportation funding through 2026, primarily for charging light- medium- and heavy-duty EVs.
The California Public Utilities Commission adopted reforms to the state's rooftop solar net-metering program after months of controversy.
California Energy Commission officials are seeking public feedback on the details of upcoming solicitations for incentives for clean hydrogen projects.
Energy leaders from California and other Western states met in a workshop to explore the benefits of developing regional markets, including one or more RTOs.
The California Air Resources Board is getting close to finalizing details of its electric bicycle incentive program, expected to launch in early 2023.
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