Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM)
SPP is continuing its delicate dance with Western utilities with a charm offensive that includes a first-hand look at the RTO’s sausage-making process.
The Northwest stands out as an exception to the increasingly dire water situation gripping the wider West, boding well for its summer hydropower potential.
Nevada regulators approved a permit for NV Energy to build a 220-MW battery storage system at the former site of the Reid Gardner coal-fired plant.
A two-day CAISO stakeholder meeting on the proposed day-ahead extension of the Western EIM focused on resource sufficiency and transmission.
The Bonneville Power Administration experienced two major “price excursion” events in the Western EIM within two weeks of joining the market.
Climate change will have a mixed impact on hydropower in the Pacific Northwest, with wetter winters and springs and drier summers, BPA says.
PNM exhausted every alternative before postponing the retirement of the coal-fired San Juan plant until the end of this summer, a utility executive said.
SPP’s plan to develop a market to compete with CAISO's Western EIM got a boost from utilities and energy customers in the Pacific Northwest.
The Western EIM took on BPA and Tucson Electric Power as new participants, marking the market’s largest single expansion since its founding.
CAISO issued a straw proposal for its extended day-ahead offering in the Western Energy Imbalance Market, a renewed effort at greater Western regionalization.
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