Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM)

CAISO Reports High Energy Prices in Q4
A CAISO market report says high natural gas prices drove a 50% run-up in electricity costs in Q4 2021, hitting the Western Energy Imbalance Market as well.
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BPA ‘Full Speed Ahead’ on May WEIM Entry, but Issues Remain
BPA is on track to enter the Western Energy Imbalance Market on May 3, despite lingering issues with software systems related to market integration.
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FERC Approves BPA’s 2022 Power and Transmission Rates
FERC approved the BPA’s proposed 2022 wholesale power and transmission rates — a formality by the commission that carries little weight under federal law.
Tri-State Generation and Transmission
FERC Extends Deadline to Justify Exceeding Price Cap in West
Sellers of spot electricity deliveries that exceed the Western price cap will now have more time to submit the FERC filing required to justify higher prices.
Bill to Expand Powers of Wash. Siting Council Passes Senate
Washington Senate Democrats greenlit a bill that would expand the authority of the body that makes citing decisions for energy facilities in the state.
Changing Grid, State Policies Favor Western RTO
CAISO, SPP and the Western Power Pool are all maneuvering to organize the Western electricity sector, and conditions finally seem ripe for change.
NWPP Rebrands as Western Power Pool
In a move that signifies its expanding reach across the Western Interconnection, the Northwest Power Pool has rebranded itself as the Western Power Pool.
CAISO, WEIM Adopt Resource Sufficiency Changes
CAISO's Board of Governors and the Western Energy Imbalance Governing Body adopted changes to WEIM's resource sufficiency evaluation for market participants.
NV Energy
NV Energy’s Greenlink North Gets Go-ahead
Nevada regulators have approved NV Energy’s $901 million Greenlink North project and two major solar-plus-batter storage projects proposed by the utility.
Western EIM Nears $2B in Total Benefits
CAISO's Western Energy Imbalance Market hit a record $739 million in member benefits in 2021, putting its total close to $2 billion since it launched in 2014.

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