Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM)

Jaywm, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Avista, Tacoma Power Stick with March Entry into WEIM
Washington utilities Avista and Tacoma Power will not delay their entry into the Western EIM, despite BPA’s decision to postpone joining by two months.
BPA Postpones Western EIM Entry by 2 Months
The Bonneville Power Administration said it will delay its entry into the Western EIM by two months to work out technical and training issues.
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CAISO Extends Wheel-through Rules
CAISO's Board of Governors extended controversial wheel-through restrictions for two more years as the ISO works on a long-term fix to transmission constraints.
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CAISO Working Groups Start EDAM Design
Three stakeholder working groups charged with designing key elements of CAISO’s proposed extended day-ahead market for the Western EIM began meeting this week.
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CAISO Takes on Transmission, EDAM in 2022
CAISO intends in 2022 to focus on long-term transmission planning, interconnecting storage and extending the real-time Western EIM to a day-ahead market.
CAISO Reevaluating WEIM Resource Sufficiency Test
The Western Energy Imbalance Market Governing Body and CAISO Board of Governors were briefed on proposed changes to the WEIM resource sufficiency test.
NextEra Energy Resources
CAISO Proposes Paying Storage Differently
CAISO proposed paying batteries to stay charged during the day in readiness for summer evening peaks to maintain resource adequacy in Western heat waves.
Public Service Company of New Mexico
New Mexico Regulators Reject Avangrid-PNM Merger
N.M. regulators shot down Avangrid’s proposed acquisition of PNM Resources after officials pointed to Avangrid’s “demonstrated record of poor performance.”
LADWP on ‘Crash Course’ to Generate with Green Hydrogen
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power is betting big on generating electricity with green hydrogen out of sheer necessity, its top official said.
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Colorado PUC: State Could Save up to $230M in Wholesale Market
A Colorado PUC report found that joining an organized wholesale electricity market could save the state’s utilities $50 million to $230 million annually.

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