March 10, 2025

Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM)

Colorado Energy Office
Xcel Delays Joining EIM to Examine Options
Xcel's Public Service Company of Colorado decided to delay its entry into CAISO's Western Energy Imbalance Market in order to re-examine its decision.
CAISO Board Approves EIM Governance Changes
CAISO and the EIM Governing Body approved changes to the EIM’s governance structure involving the selection of body members and stakeholder engagement.
Joint CAISO-EIM Authority Debated in West
Supporters and skeptics of a plan to give the EIM’s Governing Body more joint authority with CAISO over changes to the market debated the matter.
Cold Snap Yields Record Q1 Benefits for Western EIM
CAISO's EIM provided its members $101.01 million in economic benefits during the first three months of 2021, an increase of 75% over a year ago.
Wheeling Debate Tests West, CAISO CEO Says
CAISO stakeholders are still wary of the new proposed wheel-through provisions the ISO has submitted to FERC for clarity on the complex issue.
EIM Governing Body Rejects Part of CAISO Summer Plan
The Western EIM Governing Body rejected CAISO’s proposal to head off summer capacity shortfalls by limiting wheel-throughs during times of scarcity.
West Needs to Add Transmission for Renewables, CEOs Say
Western states must work together to build transmission avoid blackouts, Idaho Power CEO Lisa Grow and CAISO CEO Elliot Mainzer agreed.
Expansion Takes EIM into LA, New Mexico
CAISO’s Western EIM notched another milestone as it welcomed the country’s largest municipal utility and extended its border to include much of New Mexico.
EIM Governing Body OKs Summer Readiness Measures
The Western Energy Imbalance Market approved two CAISO measures and endorsed a third to improve reliability, mitigate capacity shortfalls.
Texas Utility Plans to Join CAISO EIM
El Paso Electric, a utility that serves more than 400,000 customers in Texas and New Mexico, plans to join CAISO’s Western Energy Imbalance Market in 2023.

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