September 30, 2024

Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM)

EIM Stakeholders Cool to Transmission Feasibility Rules
EIM stakeholders reacted coolly to a proposal by Utah’s Deseret Power Electric Cooperative to tighten the market’s rules on transmission feasibility.
EIM Entrants Cite Changing West as Motivation for Joining
CAISO’s EIM Governing Body and Regional Issues Forum heard from Modesto Irrigation District, Tacoma Power and Turlock Irrigation District.
Western EIM Benefits Top $800 Million
CAISO’s Western Energy Imbalance Market posted more than $801 million in benefits for its participants after five years of reporting quarterly results.
Tx Summit Explores California’s Link to Rest of West
The often tense relationship between California and other Western states occupied much of this year’s Transmission Summit West.
Tucson Electric Power Maintains MBRA
TEP retained its right to sell power at market-based rates after FERC concluded it does not exercise market power within its balancing authority area.
CAISO Goes 2 for 3 on EIM Hydro Rule Changes
FERC approved two CAISO proposals to address concerns that the EIM’s rules constrain hydroelectric operations and undercut the value of resources.
Bonneville Power Signs Agreement with CAISO EIM
The Bonneville Power Administration signed an implementation agreement with CAISO to begin participating in the Western Energy Imbalance Market in 2022.
CAISO Takes Step Toward EIM Day-ahead Market
The CAISO Board of Governors and EIM Governing Body approved launching a stakeholder process to examine an extended day-ahead market.
NIPPC Members ‘Carry On’ Without Kahn
Sadness over the recent death of Robert Kahn suffused this year’s NIPPC annual meeting, where speakers remembered and praised the energy veteran.
Colorado Utilities Examine Market Membership
Four Colorado utilities announced they were evaluating joining either CAISO's or SPP's energy imbalance market with the help of a consulting firm.

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