March 12, 2025

Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM)

CAISO Seeks Bump in Spending, Revenue Requirement
Increased labor costs from the expanding EIM helped push up CAISO’s 2018 revenue requirement by $1.9 million to $197.2 million.
PacifiCorp, NV Energy Gain EIM Market-Based Rate Authority
PacifiCorp and NV Energy can sell power into the Western Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) at market-based rates, FERC has ruled.
CAISO Proposes EIM Governance Changes
CAISO has proposed to change the selection process for members of the Western Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) Governing Body to rely less on outside firms.
Storage Integration a Complex Process, Western Panel Says
Energy storage can provide many benefits to the Western electricity grid, but it will require complex and costly modeling to be integrated properly.
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EIM Affecting Western Transmission, Resource Planning
The CAISO-run Western EIM has increased the operational flexibility of the region’s utilities, panelists said at the Infocast Transmission Summit West.
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Panelists: CPP Demise to Have Limited Impact in West
The fate of the West’s coal-fired power was already sealed prior to the EPA announcement that it will seek to repeal the Clean Power Plan (CPP).
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FERC Suspends PG&E Rate Ask, Approves Portland MBRA
FERC issued CAISO-related rulings on PG&E, Portland General Electric and Aliso Canyon.
Monitor: CAISO Q2 Prices Hit Record Despite Mitigation
California’s scorching heat pushed CAISO day-ahead energy prices to record highs in the second quarter after market mitigation measures unexpectedly failed.
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CAISO Drops Proposed EIM Changes
CAISO is dropping a handful of proposed enhancements to the EIM less than two months before the board is slated to review a broader package.
FERC Approves Powerex EIM Agreement
FERC approved CAISO’s agreement for integrating Canadian power marketer Powerex into the EIM.

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