Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM)
The EIM Governing Body approved a CAISO proposal allowing market participants to take part in a program that models generator outages.
EIM market participants voiced concerns about fluctuating load forecasts that make it harder to pass resource sufficiency tests.
Berkshire Hathaway Energy subsidiaries PacifiCorp and NV Energy asked FERC to lift bidding restrictions placed on them in the EIM.
CAISO's Monitor submitted comments on the ISO’s straw proposal for its Commitment Cost and Default Energy Bid Enhancements (CCDEBE) initiative.
The CAISO proposal to provide transmission revenue to balancing authority areas that wheel power received a wary response from EIM stakeholders.
FERC staff have accepted CAISO’s implementation agreement for Powerex to join the EIM but cautioned that the arrangement could be subject to further scrutiny.
CAISO dropped a proposal that would have allowed third-party transmission providers to participate in the EIM after getting negative feedback on the plan.
CAISO hauled in the largest share of the $39.52 million in benefits produced by the EIM during the second quarter.
The CAISO Board of Governors greenlit new rules that allow the grid operator to constrain the operations of gas plants across the state and the EIM.
Energy transfer capacity in the EIM footprint is now sufficient to justify removing bid limits that are in effect for some members, the CAISO Monitor says.
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