September 29, 2024


The Electric Reliability Council of Texas manages the flow of electric power to about 90 percent of the state’s electric load. The nonprofit independent system operator is governed by a board of directors and is subject to oversight by the Public Utility Commission of Texas and the Texas Legislature.
ERCOT Board of Directors Briefs: Oct. 18, 2022
ERCOT has approved a pilot project where Texas energy providers can aggregate their customers’ small DERs and sell the extra energy back to the grid.
ACORE Panel: IRA Will Accelerate Storage Deployment, but Markets not Ready
New tax incentives for standalone storage in the Inflation Reduction Act will accelerate the pace and urgency of the energy transformation ahead.
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Can New Revenue Models Unlock Interregional Transmission?
New ways of paying for transmission could increase interregional transfer capacity and improve reliability, speakers told the EBA’s Mid-Year Energy Forum.
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Texas PUC Lauds Jones for Stepping in at ERCOT
The Texas Public Commission honored interim ERCOT CEO Brad Jones’ tenure, showering him with praise and political recognition.
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Overheard at GCPA’s 37th Fall Conference
The GCPA's annual fall conference treated attendees to panel discussions, an oral history of ERCOT, and a reenactment of the Lincoln-Douglas debates.
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TAC Faces New Normal in ERCOT’s Stakeholder Process
With ERCOT’s board having asserted itself as the new sheriff in town, its stakeholders are settling themselves to a lesser role.
Vegas Plans to ‘Engage Heavily’ in ERCOT Changes
New ERCOT CEO Pablo Vegas has come back to a Texas market facing huge changes since he left the state more than a decade ago.
Texas Public Utility Commission Briefs: Sept. 29, 2022
The Texas PUC has adopted expanded weather preparation rules for generators and transmission utilities during both summer and winter weather events.
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ERCOT, Texas PUC, Gas Industry Agree Valuable Lessons Learned
ERCOT staff and regulators agreed that the electricity and gas industries are adding weatherization standards to address the 2021 severe winter storm.
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Trib Fest Panel: Let ERCOT Market Work
A Texas panel urged lawmakers and regulators to let the ERCOT market's incentives work to bring in resources that strengthen the grid's reliability.

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