September 30, 2024


The Electric Reliability Council of Texas manages the flow of electric power to about 90 percent of the state’s electric load. The nonprofit independent system operator is governed by a board of directors and is subject to oversight by the Public Utility Commission of Texas and the Texas Legislature.
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‘Insane’ Heat, Thermal Outages Stress ERCOT Grid
Hot weather that one weatherman called “categorically insane” has settled over Texas and led ERCOT to call on generators to postpone planned outages.
Vistra: Hedged for Tight Gas Market Conditions
Vistra executives are confident their hedging strategy leaves the company “very well positioned” to take advantage of a tight natural gas market.
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‘Insane’ Heat, Outages May Stress ERCOT Grid
August-like weather that one weatherman called “categorically insane” will settle over Texas this weekend, leading to potential record demand for ERCOT.
ERCOT Board of Directors Briefs: April 28, 2022
ERCOT’s board sides with staff over a rule change that gives the ISO the authority to review, coordinate and approve or deny all planned generation outages.
Texas Officials Complete Critical Infrastructure Map
A Texas committee has completed the first map of the state’s critical infrastructure for use during disasters and emergency preparedness and response.
WhisperToMe, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
CenterPoint Energy Now a ‘Pure Play Utility’
CenterPoint executives celebrated their company’s status as a "pure play regulated utility” during a first-quarter earnings call with financial analysts.
AEP Continues to ‘De-risk’ by Shedding Assets
AEP told financial analysts it is continuing to de-risk and simplify itself, reporting increased first-quarter earnings the same day as Xcel Energy did.
FERC, NERC Drill down on Generators’ Winter Readiness
FERC and NERC continue to gather information from utilities, generators and grid operators on maintaining electric reliability during severe cold weather.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
DOE Plan Unlikely to Save Entergy’s Palisades Nuke
Entergy says it is on course to shut down its Palisades nuclear plant, despite DOE's $6 billion program to prevent the early closure of nuclear plants.
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Overheard at RE+ Texas Conference
The RE+ Texas conference drew hundreds of renewable energy experts to the state that leads in wind production and may soon lead in solar energy too.

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